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Monday, June 3, 2013

Motorcycle LED Lights Help Drivers To Be Seen

By Michelle Howe

Over the past few years light technology has seen vast improvements. This has been seen in the home design industry as well as the auto industry. The advantage that LED has over incandescent and fluorescent lights is the fact that they are much brighter. This is a huge safety issue when talking about motorcycle LED lights and how they can help.

It is already hard enough for most drivers to see a motorcycle on the road, especially at night. Add to this the fact that some of the drivers on these bikes do not obey the standard traffic laws and like to drive fast, and you have a recipe for disaster. There are however a majority of drivers who do obey the traffic laws and they are still getting into accidents because someone could not see them.

The reason they are safer is because other vehicles are able to see the bike from farther away now. When the red lights of the bike's tail are so bright that you can tell it is a motorcycle that means that you, as a car driver, will take the appropriate action to avoid hitting the bike. This was always a problem before LED.

The LEDs burn much brighter than the older models and because of that brighter light on the front of the bike, people driving cars have a much easier time spotting them. This is also true for the tail as well. The brighter the lights the better oncoming traffic can see you on the bike and that means that you are much safer.

The addition of the new LED lights even made them visible during the day and helped to increase visibility for everyone involved. The accidents sharply declined and more and more bike riders were staying out of hospitals. These also helped to bring insurance costs down for bike owners and as it turned out increased sales too.

Drivers of cars and trucks are used to seeing two headlights in a pair coming at them or two tail lights in front of them. Sometimes when seeing only one, the first thought is not that of a motorcycle but rather that the car has a headlight not working. When this is the case the oncoming traffic incorrectly assumes where the vehicle is because they think it is a car instead of a bike.

When the lights in front of a driver are bright enough it allows for them to be able to see much more. This gives them the opportunity to see that the oncoming vehicle is not a car and in such cases they can allow the proper amount of space and also move their vehicle out of the way earlier if need be.

That being the case you end up with an accident because the driver of the car could not properly judge the distance. Had motorcycle LED lights been used they would have been bright enough for the car driver to realize that it was indeed a cycle and not another car. Proper lane judgement would have taken place and an accident could have been averted.

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