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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Helmets and When to Use Them

By Charles Saragossa

Hey! It's summer time and the weather is clear and beautiful. Those roads are just begging to be ridden, and you've got a monster in your garage, just waiting to eat some pavement. You're all over it; you're a motorcycle maniac. But are you the kind of maniac that goes riding without a helmet?

Ladies and gentlmen, settle down! It's clear the helmet laws are a topic best left for late night discussions among best friends. Talking to strangers at biking rallies about helmet laws is like talking to someone from another state about your political reviews. It is a topic that has a clear line dividing the popular thought.

Sometimes, depending on where you live, the choice of whether or not to wear a helmet is made FOR you. In 20 out of the 50 states, you can get a ticket for not wearing a helmet. Of course, this is a hotly debated issue, but the individual states have the power to make their own laws regarding this issue. Heck, even two of the states don't require any helmet at all, even if your'e just a child. The rest of the states require minors to wear a helmet while riding.

Once you've decided to wear a helmet (For obvious safety reasons), the next decision is what kind of helmet to wear. If you look on the internet, you will see lots of various helmets for sale, along with all kinds of accessories. So which one will you choose? Well, it depends on your preferences. Let us review them.

There are 3 distinct styles of motorcycle helmets. Which helmet you end up buying really depends on what kind of experience you want while riding. If you want the safest possible experience, and an assurance of (comparative) safety during a crash, you really should go with the full face helmet. This helmet covers the entire head, and the area over the face (except the eyes and nose, where a sun-reflecting shield is. If you crave the sensation of air on your face, and the ability to see better, definitely go with the open face helmet. Because the helmet does not go over your face, it is not safer than the full face helmet. Finally there is the modular helmet, which allows the front piece to move up and over the face so you can switch easily between open and full face helmets.

All arguing aside, this is a very personal decision. Assuming you don't live in a state that makes you wear a helmet, do you wear one? And if you do wear a helmet, which kind? Maybe you love comfort, or maybe you are most attracted to safety. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but at the end of the day, it's all up to the rider. Live free and ride, or Live to ride another day. That about sums up the decision.

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