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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Motorcycle Apparel Is A Fashion Trend

By Khoei Draker

The next time you go shopping for motorcycle parts do not be surprised if your favorite parts supplier is now carrying motorcycle apparel too. Motorcycle clothing is one of the hottest fashion trends around these days and even parts suppliers are getting in on the action.

When you find yourself busy shopping for some motorcycle accessories, you will find that there is a great selection of leather riding jackets as well. Of course, classic black is always going to be what is in style and you should have no trouble finding a great selection to pick from. There are the standard bomber styles that have the flip collar and then there are the jackets that have a slightly longer length, which is preferred by a lot of the ladies. This is because they like making sure that the small of their back is completely covered while they are riding. You might even come across some bright colored leather jackets to pick from as well.

Another popular item in motorcycle apparel is the leather riding pant. These can be anything from a riding chap all the way to a full leather pant. Styles vary depending upon whether they are made for a man or a woman. Many bikers prefer this style of apparel as it helps to keep their legs warm while traveling.

You are likely to also find a good selection of gloves to choose from. Whether you opt for a fingerless style with a snap enclosure or a full glove with padded fingers, choosing to wear gloves while traveling is a great way to help keep the breeze from chilling your knuckles. Anyone that rides a fair amount knows full well just how easily their hands can get chapped by the wind.

And of course, it really would not be apparel shopping if you were not looking at some of the available accessories for your riding boots. There are many trendy fashion statements to make, such as wrap around stud strips or metal toe caps. There are also small metal plates for the heels of your boots as well, which might take a little getting used to.

When it comes down to it, no matter what you end up adding to your overall wardrobe collection, you will find that you on the right track to looking and feeling great. And you might just be surprised at how much of your new wardrobe ends up being purchased when you simply went out looking for parts for your motorcycle. You won't be the first and you certainly will not be the last when it comes to falling prey to great looking riding gear.

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