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Sunday, September 2, 2012

So What A Good Scooter To Buy?

By Steve Scooter

That's a great question. One that will either make you totally happy if you know the answer, and very sad if you don't know when you buy your sweet ride. The answer is: there are many of good scooter options out there, but dependent on what you would like, I definitely have my favorites. Here's a look at the easy way to know which scooter is best for you.

Start by asking yourself a better question, "What's most important to you when you're wanting to buy a good scooter?" Dependent on what you answer, or what you place a value on most, will decide what style or quality of scooter you should get.

Here is something interesting, we surveyed 1,500 of our customers and asked the same question: "What's most important to you when you're looking at buying a good scooter?" Crazy enough, 1,240 people said "price" was the most important thing - that's practically 83%! 2nd runner up, was 15% said they'd go with "quality." Though, of the 15% that said quality, almost all of them stated that they were looking to spend under $1000. Ok, so that's where this gets a little tricky - if quality is the most important thing to you, and you're only willing to spend less than $1000, you are in for a pretty serious heartbreak. Inexpensive price and quality do not usually go together. But of course, you can find a good scooter for less than $1000, but they are not going to be the quality of the $2k - $3k range - perhaps parts will wear out earlier, the engine won't last as long, or the warranty isn't as good.

So what's a good scooter to buy? With quality and price in mind , I'd suggest two:

1. If you're needing to spend under $1,000, go with the Paparazzi
2. If you're looking for better quality, go with the Cali Classic - it'll run you about $2000

The Paparazzi is solid, but yes it is Chinese and it's made to be as cost-effective as possible so it can be cheap for you. If you are good to it though, and get regular oil changes, it'll last you a really long time. And another benefit is they do come with a 1-year warranty on the engine.

For those that can afford a little bit more, the Lance Cali Classic is a seriously good scooter. If you can afford the extra $1000 bucks or so, this is 100% the one I'd ride. They come with a 24-month guaranty, 90 MPG, and come in the coolest colors. There's actually no question for mid-range scooters, the Cali Classic destroys all the others hands down.

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