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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 Most-Commonly Replaced Parts For Moped Scooters

By Steve Scooter

Owning moped scooters is very much like getting a pet: you pick one that you feel the greatest connection with and the one you can possibly afford. It becomes part of your daily life, and you are dependent on it to a very great extent the instant you take it home and cannot think how you lived without it before. It becomes your number one friend. But maintenance could be a nightmare. Just like your pet, your scooter doesn't ask for much to be in fantastic condition - only a little affection and 1 or 2 replacement parts here and there.

Familiarizing yourself with the most-common parts for your scooter will save you time, headaches, money, and probably your life! The most vital of the commonly-replaced parts are bulbs for your headlights. Headlights are vital in daytime and nighttime riding. It's a great idea to always have a spare with you, or at the very least, wherever you store your scooter.

Moped scooters need wonderful care. If you take excellent care of yours, potentially the 1st part you will need to replace is the battery. Most batteries last between 3 to 5 years. It goes without saying, that everything else on your scooter should last at least that long, which is why the battery is typically the 1st part that must be replaced. Pick a reputable battery brand with a guaranty for the life of the battery. It's worth the couple extra bucks. Scooter dealers, auto parts stores, or battery stores will all almost always carry a battery which will work for you scooter.

The starter can occasionally go out, and this isn't a part you need to be stuck waiting for. Ensure you either have a spare or you know where to get one if you need it in a hurry, particularly if your moped scooter is your only method of transportation. There is nothing like being late for an interview, and your scooter won't start. Even if you are taking excellent care of your scooter, the air filter will eventually must be replaced. How often it must get replaced, is dependent on how dirty your driving conditions are. A little tip, if you're having performance issues, take a look at the air filter and ensure it isn't clogged with dirt or debris. There are many times, you don't need to replace your air filter, you only need to give it a good cleaning.

Oil changes. Although it's not really a "part," it's vitally important to do regular, consistent oil changes. Everybody always asks me, "how often should you change your oil for a scooter?" The diplomatic answer is, check out your scooter manual for recommendations. But typically speaking, you'll need to change it in the first 250 miles of getting your scooter, then every 1,000 miles after that. That number can change, depending on how often you ride. At the very least, ensure you're changing the oil at least once a season. I know there are many other recommendations out there for oil changes, but the truth of the matter is nobody actually does what they're writing. But if you follow these guidelines, you'll be solid and your moped scooters will run great.

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