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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Experience Complete Portability With The Sunlinq 12w Portable Solar Panels

By Irene Batterson

Access to renewable solar energy used to be severely limited by the use of heavy solar panels that you would need to install. These solar panels mostly lacked the mobility that would have made them extremely practical for a wide variety of applications and were too expensive. Thankfully though, a lot of companies are now coming out with mobile and flexible solar panels that are extremely effective for things like hiking and camping where access to an electrical power outlet is severely limited. The PowerFlex sunlinq 12w solar panels are one great example of this that you can conveniently carry around.

Purses, large jacket pockets and small compartments can all easily accommodate the 12w version, and this portable solar panel can provide enough juice to power those essential but diminutive electronic devices that we just can't seem to go without.

Sunlinq portable solar panels are made highly efficient and yet incredibly flexible by Global Solar Energy, Inc. and are manufactured using CIGS (Copper Indium Gallium DiSelinide), making them perfect for those field applications that go beyond mere recreational activities like camping. Smaller mobile devices like cellphones and mp3 players can get all the juice they need from the popular 6.5w and 12w models while laptop computers, radio and satellite communications equipment can be powered with the higher capacity 30w and 62w models that can output to 12 to 16 volts.

They could even realistically provide enough power to your motorcycle battery although it might not necessarily be practical. Still, sunlinq solar panels are engineered for a wide variety of field applications and are so portable that you could easily dump them into a backpack or purse along with your other items and not have to worry about any real damage while carrying them along.

Before portable solar panels became easily accessible to the general public, campers, hikers and field agents would have to carry around a lot of heavy spare batteries for the multiple devices that they needed to take with them. Devices like cellphones and mobile gps devices could ideally go for a few days, but other electronic devices such as laptops and other power-hungry gadgets can last as little as 3 hours until they required being plugged into a power source.

These devices can now be charged without having to go anywhere near a power outlet with the new technology that is now accessible with the sunlinq portable solar panel. They are even efficient enough to absorb energy in cloudy and low-light conditions and still provide the juice that you need to power your electronics when you need it.

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