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Friday, June 3, 2011

What Is Old Is New With Harley Davidson In New Jersey

By Celina Greene

If you already purchased a bike from a Harley Davidson New Jersey retailer, and have bike insurance that you are happy with, then you might not think that there is any reason to switch insurers. But if money is a major issue in your household, you might want to give another insurance company a chance. Insurance companies are really trying to attract bike riders, and that means that your business is vital to them.

Sometimes a previous bike owner and his bike parted even though the owner wanted desperately to hang onto his ride. Sometimes owners like this will damage a bike in bitterness.

Once you have found your bike, the next step is to get good insurance. Bike insurance is big business for automotive insurance sellers. It seems as if every company is battling to see who has the coolest, funniest or wittiest commercial on television for motorcycle insurance.

Another thing to consider when you are shopping for a bike is that you are absolutely going to need insurance. Some new potential bike owners get so wrapped up in the fantasy of owning their new bike, that they do not look into motorcycle insurance before their purchase. They grab the quickest or cheapest policy they can find, and regret it in the long run.

There are many places that will give you a cheap insurance quote for your bike, but as a motorcycle rider you have to take into consideration that sometimes your accident damages might be more severe than damages suffered by a standard motor vehicle or truck driver. You have much less protection surrounding your body, and you might have to take off more time from work due to injury. In addition, your bike is much more likely to be completely totaled than if you were driving a standard car or van.

If you are a Harley bike owner that has a wrecked bike, hang onto the parts. If you or someone you know still has Harley Davidson parts that were salvaged after an accident, or other major damage causing incident, there is a chance that those parts are worth money.

Though it is not fun to think about, if you do have an accident, make sure you comb through your damaged bike for parts before you let it go to the salvage yard. The parts on your old bike can go a long way towards paying for your new bike. Harley Davidson New Jersey repair shops buy used parts all the time.

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