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Friday, February 4, 2011

Dirt Bikes

By Alan Hix

Do You want to go into dirt bike racing?

This isn't surprising since this sport is popular among those who want excitement. It's true that in the wrong hands racing dirt bikes can be incredibly dangerous but with a little care and attention and some experience there is no reason why you can't have the adrenalin fuelled excitement while considerably minimising the risks many people associate with the sport.

People who are into dirt bike racing can be of any age, and if you start young, you'll be better at it. Many professional bike racers started with dirt bike racing and they usually started at the age of 4 or 5. If you think that's way too young, then wait until your kids reach thirteen and up to let them try this sport.

Things to consider if you want to try racing dirt bikes.

Your safety is number one. When buying your bike and equipment make sure that you make safety of the most paramount importance. Remember, you won't be riding for long if your safety isn't taken care of. Even second hand bikes can be purchased in a ready to ride condition and you should make sure that all parts are in very good working order before you start racing. If you have no or little knowledge of racing dirt bikes then you should get a professional to look at your bike for you and make the necessary repairs or replacements.

Observing others while they are dirt bike racing should give you a little know-how. If you've never ridden before this will give you a very good idea of whether you really want to give it a go and whether it is something you think you will be good at.

Can I also do those jumps while dirt bike racing?

When you start racing dirt bikes it is highly unlikely you will get more than a foot or two off the ground when you hit a jump, and this is a good thing. Experience is crucial before you even consider escalating 10 feet into the air. You could seriously get hurt if you don't know how to do it yet. Go slow to reach your goal safely.

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