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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Novelty Helmets or DOT? Which Motorcycle Helmet is For Me?

By Samuel Franklin

D.O.T. motorcycle helmets that do not have a D.O.T. rating are usually called novelty helmets. Novelty means; toy, trinket, or decorative item. The term novelty, when paired with "motorcycle helmet" does not create confidence.

Some of the inferior non D.O.T. rated motorcycle helmets give no more head protection than a toy hemet, thus earning the title of novelty helmet. Other motorcycle helmets are actually made with superior grade materials yet not D.O.T. approved only due to their low profile shell.

What's the purpose of buying a helmet if it doesn't have the sticker showing that it meets or exceeds D.O.T. standards? The purpose might be only to look as if they have the required helmet in case they come across a traffic cop. They might also believe in the saying "something is better than nothing".

Some motorcyclists actually want adequate protection from a helmet but don't like bulkiness of a D.O.T. helmet. A small number of companies have created a smaller and more low profile helmet using superior strength to weight ration materials. Some of which consist of carbon fiber and or kevlar. Kevlar and carbon fiber have been on the market for some time but not used in motorcycle helmet application until after the U.S. military helmets were on the market.

If your respective state does not enforce D.O.T. approved helmet rules, there is a great alternative to these massive helmets. Smaller, stronger, low profile helmets do exist. You just have to find them. There are several imitation carbon fiber helmets on the market, mostly made in India or China. Make sure to find the authentic carbon fiber shells. Your best bet is finding an American made helmet company. It might be risky buying through eBay because you won't know what you have until it's too late. It's probably a good idea to go with known U.S. helmet dealer who specialize in the low profile helmet.

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